At the Guilford Athletic Center, the average attendee is someone deeply invested in their fitness and well-being, as well as in supporting their community. The center, a 3,000 sq. ft. open-air facility in Guilford, Connecticut, is not just a place for workouts; it’s a hub of community engagement and support.

In June 2022, the center hosted an event that perfectly encapsulated this spirit. With 93 athletes forming 31 teams from four states, the event was a showcase of dedication and camaraderie. These participants weren’t just there for the competition; they were there to support the Recovery Move™ scholarship program, aiding teens and youth in overcoming life’s hurdles like abuse, addiction, anxiety, grief, and loss.

The average attendee at Guilford Athletic Center is likely a blend of fitness enthusiasts and community-minded individuals. They understand the importance of physical health, as evidenced by their participation in events like the 2022 competition, which had categories like RX, Master’s, and Scaled divisions. Yet, their involvement goes beyond personal fitness. They are part of a community that values holistic health, as shown by the center’s offerings like fitness classes, nutrition counseling, yoga, and recovery programs. This diverse range of programs indicates that the typical attendee is not just focused on physical strength but also on mental and emotional well-being.

Moreover, the community at Guilford Athletic Center is reflective of values that extend beyond fitness. The decision by the center’s leadership to disaffiliate from CrossFit following inappropriate remarks by its CEO shows a commitment to inclusivity and respect. This move likely resonates with the center’s members, who expect a space that upholds these values. In essence, the ‘average joe’ at the Guilford Athletic Center is someone who sees fitness as a journey that intertwines with personal values, community support, and holistic well-being. They’re individuals who not only aim to improve themselves but also to contribute positively to the lives of those around them.

Save the date for 2024!


Thank You to our Sponsors & Volunteers


A heartfelt thank you is due to the incredible volunteers and sponsors who played a crucial role in the success of our event at the Guilford Athletic Center. Your unwavering support and dedication were instrumental in making the event not just a competition, but a beacon of hope and community spirit.

To our volunteers, your commitment and hard work were the backbone of this event. From the early hours of setting up to the final moments of wrap-up, your enthusiasm and tireless efforts created an environment of warmth and efficiency. The smooth running of the event and the positive atmosphere that enveloped it are a testament to your dedication. Your willingness to give your time and energy to support our cause speaks volumes about your character and the community spirit that defines the Guilford Athletic Center.

Our sponsors, The Market Place, Guilford Foundation, Journey Home Recovery Living & Dr. Hannah, PsD, LPC, Jessica Dean Nutrition, DrinkMoonShots.com, Amanda’s Healthy Cooking, O2 Recovery Drinks, and our own Guilford Athletic Center Volunteers, deserve a special mention. Your generous contributions and belief in our mission enabled us to not only host the event but also to support our Recovery Move™ scholarship program. This program is vital in helping teens and youth face and overcome life’s challenges, and your support plays a significant role in its success.

Your participation and sponsorship have a far-reaching impact beyond the confines of the event. It’s not just about the financial support, but also about the message it sends – a message of hope, support, and community involvement. The synergy between our volunteers and sponsors is a powerful force, one that propels our mission forward and helps us make a tangible difference in the lives of those we aim to help.

Thank you, once again, for your invaluable contribution. Your support not only made the event a success but also reinforced the strength and unity of our community. We are profoundly grateful for your involvement and look forward to continuing our partnership in making a positive impact in the lives of many.

Rent Space

Our facility is available for rent to Personal Trainers and Coaches who would like to do one-on-one training with their clients. Arrangements can be made to accommodate larger group training needs. Please email Coach Clint for details: clint@guilfordtrainingcenter.com

Must provide proof of insurance and licensure or certification.

All coaches, trainers and their clients will be required to sign waivers under Guilford Athletic Center, LLC. 

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